Grand Prix d’Amour Productions
proudly presents:

Nicholas Busmann & the Cottbusser Chor are giving two summer concerts this year. We have prepared something special for this occasion: not only do we sing new songs of rare birds, but Jiachen Xu, Vinit Agarwal, Haytham El Wardany & Jasmina Al Qaisi have given us new little texts that we don't understand. We are very happy because we trust them; also we came up with some very nice things to copy. We love to copy and you love it too! So this time everyone can join in !

Cottbusser Summer I @ Hopscotch Singing Room 28.6.2023 19:30 ->

Cottbusser Summer II @ Walden:Memory Beach Festival für zeitgenössische Musik & Performance 1.6.2023 19:15 ->